Sexaholics Anonymous is entirely self-supporting. We do not accept contributions from outside sources and ask that you contribute only if you are a member of SA.
To contribute to the Atlanta Area Intergroup of SA electronically you can use any of the following methods:
- Using
send the contribution to CashTag $DonateSAAtlanta or use the following:
- Using
send the contribution to phone number 404-307-0068.
- Using
send the contribution to user @AtlantaSAIntergroup or use this link:
- Using
send the contribution to [email protected] and if you send the contribution as “Friends & Family”, a fee is not charged, and we will receive the full amount you contribute and your contribution is tax deductible. If you send your donation as “Goods & Services” your contribution may not be tax deductible, because the IRS states that if you receive goods or services in return for your contribution, you cannot claim the deduction.
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